The Davis Destination Wedding | TRS Coral | Cancun, MX | Dallas Fort Worth Wedding Photographer

I shot a wedding in Cancun, Mexico. That’s a real thing I get to say now y’all and I never thought it would be possible, to be quite honest with you. It was a real life dream come true and I knew from the second I walked into my hotel room, with the cheesiest smile on my face, that it would be on my blog FOR SURE.

This summer I needed to do something creative. I needed to stretch my wings a little and just shoot for fun. I picked a super cute, super in love couple off of my Facebook newsfeed and there was Cody and Brandon. They were affectionate, romantic, slightly inappropriate but hey, who in love isn’t? We made a little magic together that evening and it’s still one of my favorite sessions.

Dress: Reclamation Design Company

Not very long after I got a message from Cody asking if I might be interested in shooting their wedding in Mexico. UM, YEAH! Up to this point I avoided anything with travel because of my youngest daughter but she’s a bit older now and daddy can get her to sleep better than I can most nights so I was so on board for this adventure.

Five months later my passport was acquired, bags packed, and I was on my way to Cancun all on my own. I had so many butterflies traveling to another country by myself but hey what’s a little nervousness when you’re on your way to paradise right? I managed to survive the shuttle to the resort and I put that loosely because if you’ve ever experience a shuttle or taxi driver in Mexico then you know that the speed limits are mere suggestions there.

We pulled up to the breathtaking TRS Coral resort and from the second I arrived, I was spoiled and, again, cheesing like a kid on her way to Disneyland for the first time. It was amazing! If you don’t believe me, see below.

I was lucky enough to spend the entire weekend there in a room bigger than my first apartment! The first day I spent half of my time exploring, then eating, and finally laying on the beach working on my tan as you can see here…

The second day was wedding day. I ate a delicious breakfast at one of their many fancy restaurants. Is eating alone on a resort full of couples and families a little weird? Yeah honestly, but I was pretending I was some rich lady getting away from the hubbub of regular life and I was fine. Photo of deliciousness here…

After that it was beach time because I’m dangerously low on Vitamin D, probably. Two short hours later and RAIN! Now normally, when you live in Texas, rain means oh no it’s going to be muddy, humid, and awful all day long. Not in Mexico! It actually rained like three times on wedding day. Once on our way to the ceremony. True story. Everything was fine. You’ll see soon.

After the rain, time for room service and getting myself all pretty for the wedding. I try to look my best for y’all. You’re welcome, lol. No photos of that lunch because it’s really embarrassing how much room service I ordered the entire weekend.

Finally it’s time for the wedding! Prep in the bridal suit then prep in the grooms suite. Golf cart to the ceremony, pause for rain, and here we go. Until you’ve seen a beach with bleach white sand and water so blue it rivals our bluebonnets it’s hard to imagine it. I couldn’t have chosen a better ceremony location. There were crowds of people watching from the water and all along the beach side but it didn’t seem to bother our sweet bride and groom. There was plenty of laughter, tears, and a little making out. It was perfect. Afterwards there was a lively celebration, drinks flowing, and cake smashing of course. All in all, the best day ever mixed with the best vacation ever.

Shooting a destination wedding was on my “Maybe It’ll Happen One Day” Bucket List, right along with LEARN HOW TO SHOOT MANUAL when I got my first camera. Being able to mark it off is a real life dream come true. I can’t thank the new Mr. and Mrs Davis enough for bringing me along on this trip of a lifetime. I wish you two a lifetime of happiness and make out sessions.

I hope this brings so many more wonderful adventurous couples who would love for me to tag along. I’m game if you are!

Here are some of my favorite moments of my first destination wedding in Cancun, Mexico.

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